Monday, November 18, 2013

Company Holiday Party Etiquette

     That's right.  It's back.  The office holiday party.  Here are a few things you need to remember when attending your company's holiday party.

Show up.  If you're invited to your company's holiday party, you should go.  It's an opportunity for you to meet people, and make a good impression on your boss and co-workers.

Dress code.  If there's a dress code, stick to it.  Your company's holiday party is not the time to be showing up in your tiny dress or wearing inappropriate clothing. 

Stay sober.  Getting drunk at your company's holiday party is a big no-no.  It's best to set a guideline before attending the party and sticking to it.  Now is not the time to party like you did back in college. 

Be engaged.  Don't act like you don't want to be at the party.  Talk to those around you.  Don't stand in the corner and text or play around on your phone.  Start conversations with friends and new people.

Say thanks.  Don't forget to say thanks when leaving the party.  Whether it's hosted by your company or a co-worker, a thank you goes a long way.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Miami Dolphins Take Heat For Bullying

     If anyone has watched the news lately, you can see that the Miami Dolphins are taking some heat based on the alleged discrimination against Jonathan Martin by Richie Incognito.  Incognito was suspended by the Dolphins indefinitely on November 4 after Martin turned in text messages and voicemails showing that Incognito used the N-word to describe Martin, as well as threatening his family.

     According to Incognito, his actions were coming from a place of love.  According to Incognito, "This isn't an issue about bullying. This is an issue of my and Jon's relationship where I have taken stuff too far. I did not intend to hurt him.  When the words are put in the context, I understand why a lot of eyebrows get raised. But people don't know how Jon and I communicate to one another."

     However, according to Martin's attorney, Martin endured a "malicious physical attack" in addition to the harassment that went far beyond locker room hazing.  

     When the news broke that Incognito was being suspended, many of the Dolphins teammates stood behind Incognito as opposed to Martin.  It is interesting to see how the harasser in this situation is being supported, as opposed to the victim.

     If you are the victim of discrimination in the workplace, please contact Ambuter Law for your free case evaluation.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Federal Workers Sue Government Over Pay During Shutdown

     On October 24, five federal prison workers filed suit against the Government alleging that they were required to work during the shutdown without receiving minimum wage and overtime for one pay period. 

     Unlike their furloughed counterparts, these employees were deemed "excepted" personnel and were required to work during the two week government shutdown, knowing they would get paid at a later time.  However, these five employees are arguing that they did not get paid on their regularly scheduled payday, but rather had to wait until a later date.  The suit claims that even if these workers were fully compensated at a later date, they were still paid less than the minimum wage on their scheduled payday. 

     At this time, the Justice department still has yet to file a response to the complaint.

If you have an issue regarding unpaid wages or discrimination in the workplace, please contact Ambuter Law for your free case evaluation.