Monday, May 11, 2015

Think Before You Click "Forward"

I have clients tell me all the time that they have forwarded emails from their work emails to their private emails in order to build a case against their employer.  And while they may think they are being smart, that's not necessarily the case.

A lot of times company emails contain confidential and/or proprietary information, and companies highly frown upon employees forwarding company information to their private email.  Some employees may not even know that what they are sending is deemed proprietary or confidential.  However, the company does.  And they can tend to get angry.

So what can you do to prevent your employer from destroying or altering emails or electronic information that may help your case against them?  Most likely you'll want to hire an attorney and have the company put on notice not to destroy or alter electronic, audio, video, etc. evidence.  You may also want to keep your own log of events that take place in the workplace.  However, I would recommend doing this off company time and out of the workplace.

So before you click the "forward" button on your email - think.  The last thing you want is your company coming after you for breaking their policies regarding sharing confidential and/or proprietary information.

Should you have any questions regarding your rights in the workplace, contact Ambuter Law for your free case evaluation.