Friday, October 3, 2014

Want Less Drama In Your Life?

Want less drama in your life?  Be honest when you're asked to be honest.  Unfortunately, not every client is as upfront and honest as they should be with their attorney.  They may think that if their attorney knows the truth behind a situation, that their attorney may think less of them or judge them.  Or they may think that their attorney may never find out the truth.  However, the truth usually comes out in one form or another, and it's usually better if it comes from the client first rather than from a third party or opposing counsel. 

Also, by not telling the truth, the client is actually limiting or affecting the path that their attorney would take in representing them.  So while the client may think that he is helping the situation or protecting himself, he in fact could actually be hurting himself. 

So why do I write this?  To inform individuals about the benefits of being honest with your attorney.  It may be embarrassing or intimidating to disclose the full truth of a situation to your attorney, but you and your attorney will be much happier that you did.

Ambuter Law focuses on representing employees in employment law matters.  If you have a question in regard to your employment rights, contact Ambuter Law for your free case evaluation.