Monday, April 29, 2013

Social Media Workplace Laws

     In 2012, six states passed legislation regarding social media in the workplace.  These states are: California, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, and New Jersey.  These states have made it so employers are not legally allowed to ask their employees for passwords for personal internet accounts, i.e. email, banking and social networking sites, etc. in order for that employee to keep his/her job.

     In 2013, three more states passed legislation regarding social media in the workplace.  These states include New Mexico, Utah, and Arkansas.

     Some states have similar legislation to protect students in public universities and colleges from having to grant access to their social media accounts.

For more information regarding social media laws in the workplace, please visit the National Conference of State Legislatures.

If you are the victim of discrimination or harassment in the workplace, please contact Ambuter Law.

1 comment:

  1. Many legal issues around social media ownership and use in a ... can be useful for journalists writing about social media and workplace issues. app to get instagram followers
