Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Employment Lawyer Opinion: What Job Seekers Should Keep in Mind for 2015

If you're currently seeking new employment, there are a few things you should be focusing on in the new year when seeking out potential job positions.

1) Don't apply for jobs that you do not have the qualifications for.  It's a waste of your time, and you could be focusing on applying for jobs that you are qualified for.

2) Make sure to network.  Whether it's attending functions at your child's school, or attending business networking events, it's a good idea to keep networking while on the job hunt.  Also, learn to possibly use social networking tools to help network (i.e. LinkedIn) if you aren't doing so already.

3) Make sure to update your resume and seek out others for advice.  Also practice interviewing and accept constructive criticism on things that you may need to improve upon.

4) Make sure to dedicate time to actually searching for jobs.  Seeking out employment is a full-time job, so treat it as such and make sure to prioritize it above fun activities, such as watching television.  While job searching, make sure to seek out resources that could help you.  Don't waste time using resources that aren't turning into job leads.  And make sure never to give up your search, even when you're discouraged.

5) Make sure that while seeking out a new job, that you do take time to enjoy your surroundings.  While searching for a job should take priority over certain activities, you still need to make sure to allocate time for family, friends, and some fun.  Also, make sure to keep busy even during your free time by volunteering or exercising.  Both are good stress relievers and will make you feel like you have achieved something.

6) Lastly, don't pigeon hole yourself into a specific career path while searching for a new job. This could be the time where you find a new career that you're qualified for that you never would have thought of.

This post was written by Ambuter LawAmbuter Law is an employment law firm focused on representing employees in employment disputes throughout the state of Florida.

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